Foto Luis Claudio Yukio Vatari


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Foto Luis Claudio Yukio Vatari

Luis Claudio Yukio Vatari

Lawyer specialized in the tax and customs area in the area of infrastructure and construction.

Yukio has extensive experience in M&A, tax planning, foreign direct investment, customs and foreign exchange law, administrative and judicial litigation.

He started his career at a big law firm, working for national and international clients in many different industrial segments.

Academic Background

  • LL.M. in Tax Law from FGV/SP.
  • LL.M. in Tax Law from Ibmec/SP.
  • Bachelor of Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo.

Awards and Recognitions

  • Best Lawyers in Brazil: Tax (2020).
  • Análise Advocacia: Construction and Engineering (2020 edition).


  • Author of articles and studies as the chapter “Contribuição ao PIS: não-cumulatividade – aspectos inconstitucionais”, published in “Revista Dialética de Direito Tributário”, 96/59, set/03, São Paulo: Dialética, 2003.
  • Author of the article entitled “Fixação das alíquotas PIS/Cofins via decreto é questionável”, published in the website “Consultor Jurídico”, in 2015.

Academic Experience

  • Professor of Tax Planning at the Pos-Graduation Program (lato sensu) of Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP).


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