Foto Gabriela de Oliveira Fernandes


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Foto Gabriela de Oliveira Fernandes

Gabriela de Oliveira Fernandes

Lawyer specializing in arbitration.

Academic Background

  • Bachelor of Laws from Anhembi Morumbi University

Professional Associations

  • Associated with the CAM-CCBC New Gen


  • YUKIO, Luis Claudio; FERNANDES, Gabriela; TEBET, Maria Eduarda. ITCMD in the new tax regulation: burdens on rural businesses. In: AGROPLANNING MAGAZINE. New tax regulation: impact on the rural sector. São Paulo: Agroplanning, pp. 1-10.
  • YUKIO, Luis Claudio; FERNANDES, Gabriela. Tax reform: promises and realities for agribusiness. In: JOTA. Challenges and impacts of tax reform in the agricultural sector. São Paulo: JOTA, pp. 1-10.


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