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Toledo Marchetti Advogados was featured in the renowned magazine The Latin American Lawyer.


The publication highlighted the promotion of our new equity partners, Adriana Sarra and João Marcos Neto de Carvalho, as well as the arrival of new lawyers, Ana Luisa Dala Déa, Gaia Hasse, Larissa Peterle Mantuan, Leonardo Montino, and Mateus Zottarelli. Also mentioned was the hiring of Camila Pelafsky, Giovanna Scervino and Julia Cacella, who stood out in the firm’s internship program.


We would like to express our gratitude to The Latin American Lawyer for the opportunity to share this achievement. We will continue to provide high-quality legal services, striving for excellence in every case we take on.


Check out the full article at the link.

Posted by & filed under News, Press.

Our partner Marcelo Marchetti was interviewed by Mariana Quaresma for GWI – Global Water Intelligence magazine.


Marcelo shared his insights on the Decrees issued by the Federal Government, noting they increase legal uncertainty and their potential negative impact on the country’s universalization goals. The article also addresses the position of Partido Novo (New Party) questioning the constitutionality of the


Check out the full interview at the following link: GWI – Brazil’s water sector cooled by new decrees